What Employers Expect from Young Professionals - 5 Skills in Demand
One of the largest job search sites hh.ru conducted a survey of employers and found out what requirements they have for young professionals. In terms of education, the answers are standard: the first three places were taken by economic, technical and medical. But the selection of skills has changed compared to previous years. In this article, we will tell you which competencies are in the greatest demand and recommend our free online courses.Teamwork
Most managers prefer to hire young professionals who can effectively interact with a team, listen to colleagues, and work towards a common goal. The reason is simple - the company consists of social media marketing service groups and departments that are interconnected, and professionals rarely work alone.
Literate speech
Employers said they pay special attention to communication skills in entry-level employees. Of course, this competency is related to the previous one, because the ability to convey your thoughts helps you quickly negotiate with others and better complete assigned tasks. If you want to develop your skills, listen to our free course of lectures .
PC user
The ability to work in instant messengers, send files via corporate mail, fill out reports in an online office are routine tasks that a university graduate should be able to perform without problems, according to respondents.
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Customer focus
Consulting, sales skills, business communication - these competencies entered the top five. And all because the main resource of a business is clients, with whom a young specialist will need to work indirectly or directly. Learn about first-class service and working with conflicting customers in our course .
Training and development
If earlier a specialist could graduate from a university and this knowledge would be enough for him for the next 5 years, now a university graduate needs to regularly monitor trends and master new tools from the first working day. Therefore, the skill of self-development has become very popular among employers. Take a look at the online course to create a training program for career growth.
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